

降低低发动机停机时间 将所有发动机组件集成到一个地方有助于减少热电联产的停机时间
并网时间短 预编程功能和大型内置PLC解释器缩短了并网时间
设计在你的手中 自行设计独特的功能和布局,无需任何额外费用


火花点燃式燃气发动机驱动三相交流发电机产生电能。 热回收系统从发动机冷却系统和烟气系统产生热能。 这种类型的电能和热能是使用化石燃料或可再生燃料的最有效方式之一。 对热电联产项目效率的要求越来越高,系统停机时间最短,上市时间缩短以及严格的电网规范要求,给控制系统带来了巨大的压力。


ComAp的InteliSys气体控制器专为控制燃气发电机组而设计,是热电联产控制的完美解决方案。 InteliSys Gas将天然气发动机的所有重要控制集成到一个地方,显着改善故障查找和故障排除,并最大限度地减少发动机停机时间。 预编程功能和大型内置PLC解释器使用户可以自由设计自己的逻辑,为市场创建独特的解决方案,并尽快为客户提供解决方案。 整个过程的本地和远程监控也是可用的。

  1. InteliSys Gas represents the heart of the control system, integrating control functions of engine, alternator and CHP. 
  2. Inteli AIN8, Inteli AIN8TC, Inteli IO8/8 are peripheral I/O modules which measure signals from the engine like cylinder temperatures, oil pressure, water temperatures and communicate the values to the InteliSys Gas over communication line. Distributed control system allows local placement of the I/O modules hence easier wiring and shorter commissioning time.
  3. ECON-4 serves for speed and load control of gas gen-set
  4. InteliVision 12Touch is 12-inch touch panel dedicated for easy overview of the whole system and its control by an operator. InteliVision 12Touch brings the latest features from consumers market into industrial area.
  5. InteliVision 17Touch is optional 17-inch touch panel which can be used for complete site monitoring from one place.
  6. Remote monitoring of the whole CHP plant is possible over WebSupervisor tool or InteliMonitor PC tool when a detail monitoring is needed. Websupersvisor is also available through Android and iOS apps.


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