

降低成本 降低油耗并降低维护成本
监控 使用在线工具轻松进行远程监控和管理
复杂灵活 功能强大,灵活且完全可配置


一个可靠的系统取决于管网中的水压,这是由传感器通过InteliDrive Lite EM测量并显示在InteliMonitor SCADA系统中。 带电动机的离心泵用于分配进出系统的水。


InteliDrive Lite EM控制器使电动机和水泵的完整控制,监控和保护变得简单。 电机可以在自动和手动操作模式下进行控制。

  1. InteliDrive Lite EM makes complete control and monitoring of the motors.
  2. The arigators are mixing injected chemical substance for purification of water. They are switched from control room by InteliDrive Lite EM controller and its binary outputs, and can be affected by
    timers adjustment.
  3. Depends on the pressure in the pipe system, which is measured by sensors through InteliDrive Lite EM and
    displayed in InteliMonitor SCADA system, are started centrifugal pumps. Centrifugal pumps with electric
    motors are used for distribution of water in and out of system.
  4. This application of water purification system can be controlled by six InteliDrive Lite EM controllers for full
    protection of each electric motor and with variable ways of starting or by one InteliDrive Lite EM controller
    with full protection system only for the main electric motor and with limited protection for the rest of electric motors, in this case, up to six electric motors can be started directly.


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+86 21 62161272